6 Best Green Screen Software 2020

If you’re a video or photo editor, then you’re probably familiar with the term ‘green screen’.

And if you’re looking to up your game, you’ll certainly need the best green screen software available on the market.

And we are here to help you find one. Green screen software comes in handy when you need to separate a human from a background, because green (and blue, for that matter) screen is not found in human skin tones.

That, of course, if you’re not dealing with a Martian or Avatar character. That’s why we’ve selected the best green screen tools to help you achieve the smooth transition and make the background look as realistic as possible.

Top 6 Green Screen Software

PictureNamePlatformPriceRating (1-5)
Rating (1-5)
1. Savage Green Screen Software KitWindows, Mac$$4.4
2. Sony Movie Studio 13 Suite Windows$$$$4.0
3. Pinnacle Studio Ultimate - ( V. 12 ) Windows, Mac$3.6
4. MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Windows$$$3.5
5. PhotoKey 4 Pro Windows, Mac$3.0
6. Westcott Illusions Photo Key 5Windows, Mac$$2.6

Things to Consider Between Green Screen Software

Before even wondering what’s the best green screen software on the market nowadays, you need to make sure that you have all the required elements of working with green screen tools.

First of all, you need a (surprise, surprise) digital camera and a computer. And obviously you need a cable to transfer images from that camera to computer.

You need a green screen background that you’ll place either in your studio, home or outdoors. You’ll have to figure out which green screen background works best for your studio settings.

And then you need background stands, where the green screen background will hang. Or you may consider getting collapsible green screens that have hanging hooks attached or a portable stand.

You also need to adjust studio lighting to make sure the camera and the green screen software are capturing all of the details. If you’re filming outdoors, natural light will suffice.

And last but not least: digital backgrounds. It’s the most creative part and it depends on what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re a forecaster, you’ll need to get the forecasting background that shows weather forecasts for different areas.

Or if you’re looking to make something exceptional from a dull and boring studio setting, you should consider getting a digital background with natural setting.

Top 3 Best Green Screen Software Reviews

1. Savage Green Screen Software Kit

Savage software is topping our best green screen software charts today. The reason this software is loved by everyone – amateurs and professionals – is that it’s very easy to follow.

Another great thing about Savage green screen program is that it comes with 720 digital backgrounds. With this program, it usually takes you less than 10 minutes to remove the green screen and insert a realistic background.

Not only does Savage provide with smooth and unnoticeable transition between your object and the inserted background but also adjusts lighting and other effects to make it look top-notch.

Users even compliment the green screen by Savage for not turning wrinkles on the green screen roll into a mess, when the background is replaced.

2. Movie Studio 13

You’ve probably heard about Sony. This giant firm also makes green screen software, Movie Studio.

Sony Movie Studio 13 Suite got into our chart today thanks to its vast range of effects. This suite contains lots of extras, such as NewBlueFX 3D Titling and Video Effects and FXHOME Hit Film plug-ins, both of which allow to add more realism.

Another great thing about this green screen software is that it allows you to create videos in superb 4K ultra HD quality, which means this program is very much suited for weather forecasters.

The only notable disadvantage about this green screen program is that it works only with Windows and is not compatible with Macs.

3. Studio Ultimate V. 12

Pinnacle Studio Ultimate is suited not only for green screen editing, but also for other video- and audio- effects. Just like our today’s two best programs, this one is suited for both amateurs and professionals.

With this program, you get an impressive level of creative power and can try out different things to see what works best.

Pinnacle Studio Ultimate is also complimented for its new and advanced video editing interface and allows you to publish your work on YouTube or simply transfer them to your portable devices.

This version of Pinnacle Studio Ultimate video editing software comes with professional tools to adjust titling, to correct the color, to add lighting and special effects as well as has a green screen backdrop.