6 Best Hookah Coals 2020
Everyone who has ever used a hookah will have experienced the clear difference between having a poor quality coal and having the best of the best. It has to have the right set of qualities for it to be absolutely perfect and these are often not achieved.
For those looking for coals for the first time, or if you want to step up your hookah game, getting the right information is key. This guide provides all of the advice you need and a list of the best available hookah coals for you to choose from.
Things to Think About
Here are some general points to consider if you are trying out different hookah coals:
- Hardness. Getting the hardness of the charcoal just right is a very delicate balance. The best hookah coals are the ones that are hard enough so they will not break or crumble at all when you are handling them. To test this, you can put the charcoal under your heel and lift up the opposite foot to shift your weight. If it does not crumble, then the charcoal is up to standard.
- Density. The density of the charcoal will be higher of it is made of natural coconut shells, but it should not be so high that it takes 20 minutes to light and will not burn thoroughly.
- Ease of Ignition. Getting quick lighting charcoal for your hookah guarantees that you will be smoking in minutes. Natural charcoal can be a bit harder to light as it takes more time and attention to do well. Look for coals that take between 7-10 minutes to light for the best product.
Top 6 Hookah Coals Chart
Picture | Name | Number of Coals | Price | Rating (1-5) |
![]() | 1. Coco Nara Hookah Shisha Natural Charcoals, 120 count | 120 | $$$ | 4.1 |
![]() | 2. Coco Ala Charcoal Natural Coconut Hookah Shisha Coals, 108 Piece | 108 | $$$ | 3.9 |
![]() | 3. NeverXhale 100pcs 33mm Disk Coal Quick Lighting Chacoal | 100 | $$ | 3.8 |
![]() | 4. Ecocha Coconut Hookah Charcoal - 100% Organic Coco Coal | 108 | $$$$ | 3.7 |
![]() | 5. Instant Charcoal Quality Hookah Charcoal for Hooka Shisha Nargila | 10 | $ | 3.6 |
![]() | 6. The Big Easy Tobacco Accessories 6015 Holland Quicklit | 100 | $$ | 3.5 |
How to Choose the Best Hookah Coals
The first thing you should be looking for in any coals, natural or quick light, is longevity. This is will make the difference between whether they are worth your money or a total waste.
This could also have a huge effect on the kind of social atmosphere you create. Will you need to get up often to heat and change the coals or will you be able to relax and enjoy the night for extended periods?
Once you get past the basics of longevity, getting the right density and hardness with your hookah coals, you will want to start looking at some of the subtler features to improve your smoking experience further.
Consider buying coals that have the following characteristics:
- 40-45 minutes of flame stability
- Less odor
- Less smoke
- No sparking
- A red color flame
Top 3 Best Hookah Coals Reviews
1. Coco Nara Hookah Shisha Natural Charcoals

The Coco Nara Hookah Shisha Natural Charcoals are long lasting and are all-natural, making them some of the best hookah coals you can buy. This is not a quick-light option and needs to be heated on the stove for 7-8 minutes before they are hot and ready to use.
Having to heat them up yourself rather than have instant coals makes them last even longer and means that you will get a more natural flavor to them without the added chemicals needed to make coals light quickly.
This is the perfect set of coals for anyone that likes to take their time smoking and does so inside or at home in a social setting.
2. Coco Ala Charcoal Natural Coconut Hookah Shisha

The Coco Ala Charcoal Natural Coconut Hookah Shisha Coals are made from compressed coconut shells. This all-natural coal means that they do take time to heat but it also means that you get a more natural flavor and a more natural smoke as a result.
These coals last for 3 times longer than the quick lighting ones and even outlast some of the natural coals that are quite similar.
Considering the high quality of the product against the cost, you really can’t go wrong. These also don’t take too long to get hot. Within 5 minutes you can be smoking your hookah.
3. NeverXhale Disk Coal Quick Lighting Chacoal

The NeverXhale Disk Coal are some of the best quick light coals for hookahs out there because they are tasteless and odorless. They have none of the negative features of the quick lighting coals but all of the convenience.
The coals themselves are a good size for a smaller bowl or single user. When you light these coals, they are not sparking and spewing ashes everywhere.
This means less clean up in general and it also means that the ash doesn’t get sticky as the coal burns out.