10 Best Weekly Planners 2020

So many people underestimate the usefulness of a planner.

They rely on post-it notes, smartphone alerts or the main house calendar to keep everything running smoothly, but often, these things just aren’t enough.

If you really want to increase your productivity, keep your schedule organized, and keep track of everything you do, a planner is essential.

We find weekly planners to be very useful, and since we recently set out in search of some purchase-worthy planners ourselves, we thought we would share our findings with you in this guide.

Read on to find out who prints the best weekly planner and see what we thought about the top three in our “Review” section.

Top 10 Weekly Planners Table

PictureNameGreat For…PriceRating (1-5)
Great For…
Rating (1-5)
1. AT-A-GLANCE Weekly Appointment Book / Planner 2017, 8-1/4 x 10-7/8"Businesspeople, Students$4.7
2. bloom daily planners Weekly Planning System Tear Off To Do PadParents, Those Who Want to Increase Productivity$4.7
3. Knock Knock This Week PadEveryone$$4.6
4. Freedom Mastery Deluxe Law of Attraction Life PlannerStudents, Those Who Want to Increase Productivity$$$$4.6
5. DayMinder Weekly Planner / Appointment Book 2017, WireboundEveryone$$4.6
6. Iconic Weekly, Monthly Desk Pad Ver.2 / Pattern Scheduler Office$$4.6
7. Blue Sky 2017-2018 Academic Year Weekly & Monthly Planner Students$$4.6
8. Panda Planner Weekly - Weekly Planner for Productivity & HappinessThose Who Want to Increase Productivity$$$$4.5
9. Blue Sky Day Designer for Blue Sky 2017-2018 Academic Year Weekly & Monthly PlannerStudents$$$4.5
10. DayMinder Weekly Pocket Planner 2017, 3-5/8 x 6-1/16 , BlackEveryone$$4.4

Consider the Size

Some planners are the same size as a standard piece of paper (8.5” x 11”), but that’s not your only choice.

  • Pocket Size. If you want something small to place in a purse, briefcase or a backpack, then you might enjoy number 10 on our list.
  • Desk. Do you want something that will be staying in one place? If so, consider number 3 or number 6.

What Type of Planner Will Motivate You?

Some planners contain so much more than numbers and lines that all you to fill in your upcoming events. Many contain inspirational quotes, motivating words and useful tips on the sidelines to help keep you engaged.

If you would like some extra space to be able to write down goals or have something encouraging written on the side, then opt for a Gratitude Journal or Goal Planner.

Those of you who need something for business-related purposes might appreciate an Appointment Book like that of At-A-Glance.

Tips for Students

Not all planners start in January and end in December. If you are a student, then you need to make sure that you get one that starts at the beginning of the academic year and runs until the end of the academic year.

You could always purchase a regular annual planner and replace it in January, but it is handier to have your entire years’ worth of information handy in one location rather than replacing it mid-year.

If you are looking for a planner to help keep your academic year on track, then you might opt for something like the Blue Sky Tabbed Planner. It starts at the beginning of the academic school year and is equipped with handy tabs that make it easier for you to flip to the right section.

Top 3 Best Weekly Planner Reviews

1. AT-A-GLANCE Weekly Appointment Book

If you need some room to write down plenty of details, then we highly recommend that you go for a weekly planner like this one from At-A-Glance.

When the planner is open, you will have a full column of lines and space for each day of the week (except for Sunday, which is grouped with Saturday since these days usually aren’t as busy for people). It starts with Monday on the left-hand side and goes until Sunday on the right.

Each line has a time on it so you can keep track of when you need to complete tasks or what time you have appointments/meetings, which is handy for anyone who has a time-oriented schedule to follow.

While this may not have inspirational quotes or phrases that can help brighten your day, it does allow you plenty of room to keep your detailed schedule on track.

Out of all the products we have used, we feel that this is the best weekly planner for business people and parents who want to be on time for life’s most important daily events.

2. bloom daily planners Weekly Planning System

Feeling a little unorganized in every aspect of your life? You can get things back on track with the help of Blooms Daily/Weekly Planner!

The layout is much different from the previous one since it doesn’t open like a book; this is a single-page notepad with two main columns printed on it.

On the left, you have the days. Monday is at the top, and it progresses downward by day, dedicating more space to the weekdays. The weekends are divided into two small boxes at the bottom of this column.

On the right, you have the opportunity to write out any long-term weekly goals, your “to-do” list, and it even has space for you to write down healthy habits you would like to achieve and an act of kindness to perform.

We found it to be a very motivational planner for those who need a little encouragement. It is also available in different styles and formats if you don’t find that this one matches your needs, so be sure to have a look at all of them!

3. Knock Knock This Week Pad

We thought that the Knock Knock Pad would be great for the Monday-Friday office employee who is looking for something to keep on the office desk.

The format is quite basic, with two columns divided into three squares each.

It starts on Monday and goes to Friday, but the sixth box is dedicated to “Next Week” so you know how to plan accordingly for the coming workweek. It would also be handy for parents or anyone who wants to keep the five most important days of the week organized.

The great thing about this particular planner is that it comes in different styles.

Are any of you on a diet? Great! They offer a meal planner note pad and one that allows you to keep track of what you ate for a full week, among others.