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10 Best Weekly Planners 2020

So many people underestimate the usefulness of a planner. They rely on post-it notes, smartphone alerts or the main house calendar to keep everything running smoothly, but often, these things just aren’t enough. If you really want to increase your productivity, keep your schedule organized, and keep

6 Best Paper Planners 2020

In our age of digital planning and calendars, too many people have forgotten the simple delight (and surprising organizational capability) of the good old-fashioned paper planner. Paper planners are beautiful, customizable, and help keep you organized, and they’re a pleasure to use – there’s just something comforting

6 Best Teacher Planners 2020

Staying organized is one of the biggest challenges a teacher can have – with so many students and subjects, and an ever-changing lesson plan, it can be tough to track everything and keep it all in one place. That’s probably why old-fashioned, paper teacher planners are so

10 Best Daily Planners 2020

Sometimes you just need paper. If the digital age isn’t meeting your scheduling and planning standards, it might be time to try out a daily planner. Whether this is your first time around the block or you’re a veteran looking to try out a new planner, finding

10 Best Life Planners 2020

If you feel like you need to get more organized or responsible with your daily duties, a life planner can easily help your cause. Much different from a typical notebook, a life planner is designed to make it easier for you to accomplish your daily duties on

10 Best Planners for College Students 2020

As you prepare your clothes and belongings to head off to college, we doubt that you have academic planner written at the top of your “To Bring” list. While it may not be located at the top of the list, the fact that you set out in